Robin Pelka: have a dance for me
Our friend Robin Pelka passed away this past Saturday after her battle with brain cancer. She sent this open letter to her email list late last year, in hopes that it might be published or at least read. For whatever reason, it never made it into the pages of my magazine. But after hearing the news today, I searched through my inbox for a note from her. She had occasionally sent me (and I'm sure many others) missives about fighting her disease with humor and grit. Even though we weren't close friends, we knew each other from the music industry. She was a beautiful p erson and I was sad to hear she'd left us. In her absence, I hope her words resonate. Rest in peace, Robin. — Raymond Leon Roker, September 24, 2009 November 23, 2008 Cancer, Cancer, Cancer Fear is the topic here, along with the cancer. They have been associated and will be for quite some time. This is not an assumption on the whole. Fear is put into our faces on a daily. It all happens; a car crash, tornado, ...